Consumption data acquisition with cold meters

Cooling meters are used in district cooling and centralized cooling or air conditioning systems. Cooling water is produced at a central point and then transported to various buildings (mostly commercial or industrial) but also to residential units. The cooling water then feeds air conditioning systems or other applications in which cooling plays a role. Cooling meters monitor the cooling consumption by measuring the supply and return temperature as well as the volume flow of the cooling water and calculating the energy delivered. They are essential for subsequent billing of this energy. They also play a crucial role when it comes to energy management: they help users to optimize their systems, operate in an energy-efficient manner, identify problems and save costs.

How is a district cooling network structured?

A district cooling plant produces cold water through cooling systems: the cooling water. This is pumped into underground pipelines of a cooling water distribution network and thus reaches various buildings in an entire district or entire municipalities. There are systems (substations) that receive the cooling water and use it for air conditioning or distribute it for other applications.

What are the advantages of district cooling systems?

District cooling systems are more energy efficient than individual solutions. They require 5 to 10 times less energy than individual systems, which also results in lower CO2 emissions. The systems also use more advanced technologies. They are also more environmentally friendly as they can use renewable energy. Furthermore they are more cost-efficient for both cooling suppliers and end users. This is particularly true for large urban areas. District cooling systems are more flexible as they are scalable. It is therefore easier to adapt to market conditions. Finally, the systems are more reliable than individual cooling systems.

Where are district cooling systems used?

District cooling is often used in urban areas, business districts or larger properties. Wherever many buildings are concentrated together and there is a need for a cooling supply. In sustainably and modernly planned areas, they are an essential part of the infrastructure. Let’s take India as an example: the population is growing; urbanization is progressing. The demand for sustainable cooling solutions in the commercial and industrial sector is increasing. Centralized district cooling is the most efficient way to meet this demand.

To this end, India has developed the India Cooling Action Plan (ICAP), under which the country aims to significantly reduce its cooling requirements by around 2037/2038. Sophisticated cooling systems play a decisive role here.

However, district cooling systems are also used worldwide outside India: the world’s largest district cooling system is located in Qatar near Doha, where it supplies The Pearl with cooling. District cooling is also used in Canada as part of the Deep Lake Water Cooling project in Toronto. In Germany, a large cooling water storage tank is used in Chemnitz. In Austria, district cooling is used in the commercial sector in Vienna. In the USA, Ohio State University, for example, uses a district cooling system. In Costa Rica, hotels are air-conditioned using district cooling systems.

District cooling and therefore also district cooling meters will play an essential role in the future.

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