Webinars GMP/DSP and RWM
During the 30-minute webinar, our colleague Tristan Sommer from Product Management presented how you can download your consumption data from the Gateway Management Platform (GMP) / Data Service Platform (DSP) and work interoperably with it.
Background information GMP/DSP:
With our two platforms, we offer digital solutions that support you in the process from consumption data collection to data provision. With the Gateway Management Platform, you can configure your gateways in advance and, if necessary, maintain and parameterize them remotely after installation. Finally, the Data Service Platform bundles the data previously received by the gateway and provides additional information on the device status.

During the 30-minute webinar, our colleague Thomas Reichbauer from Product Management/Technical Service presented how to install and commission the smoke alarm, what status messages the smoke alarm gives and how you should react to them.
Background information RWM:
The smoke detector C1 comes up with innovations that facilitate installation and handling of status messages. We have placed particular emphasis on integration with our reception and management systems.