
AMR & Radio

Date: 18.09.2024
Duration: 09:00 – 16:00
Target group: Installers, technicians, buyers & sellers

Training objective:

What is wireless M-Bus radio?
How do you configure the Engelmann wireless M-Bus devices, SensoStar, Waterstar, HCA e2 and Co?
What does AMR mean? In theory and practice?
How do you read the devices via walk-by?
How do you use the Engelmann gateway?
How do you use the Gateway Management Platform (GMP) and the Data Service Platform (DSP)?

We will answer these and many other questions in this training course, which we conduct directly at our premises. Our product expert Jaroslaw Lisiecki will explain everything you need to know in detail. Interactive and hands-on. Afterwards, you will know all about setting up the gateways and measuring devices and commissioning them, right through to the platform. A factory tour rounds off the entire training course. At the end of the course, all participants will also receive a certificate of attendance.


Introduction and basics of the system
Parameterization of the devices
Functionality of the readout equipment
Introduction to GMP and DSP
Factory tour
Q&A session and discussion


The participation fee for the training course is € 800 plus VAT per participant. The price includes training documents, drinks, lunch and, in the case of in-house training, a factory tour.